views from liminal space



on reflecting on my poems written in 2018: when I think about that timeframe, it was the first time I had feelings for someone new after being in a disastrous long-term relationship. granted it was more of a fwb but spending time with him, his friend and my roommate were genuinely some of the funnest times I had living in LA. he probably has no idea of his impact, and our roommates for that matter, during a time I needed it most but I think we were all just transplants trying to figure our shit out and have a good time.

Sometimes I wish I told him I appreciated his presence in my life and still remaining my friend after rejecting me when he could've stopped hanging out and tell me to fuck off (lol) especially before I moved back to my hometown. he was the first of many that would prove to me that there were better people out there and that I actually did deserve more. thankfully, I did end up with more after it all.

It's really amazing the change of location and the impacts of people you meet that help your growth. I think overall my time in socal being single I learned a lot about myself and even though we haven't spoken since, I hope he's happy.